Chongyi Zheng @ UNC

I am an undergraduate senior student at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, majoring in Computer Science and Mathematics.


Since Feb 2023, I am working on motion capture and 3D body pose reconstruction at UNC Graphics & Virtual Reality Group, advised by Prof. Henry Fuchs. I'm focusing on reconstructions based on egocentric cameras and IMUs.

Between Feb 2022 and May 2023, I worked as a research assistant with Prof. Prasun Dewan. I worked on analyzing code embeddings and code similarities using students' assignments data, with a goal of generating programming hints for students based on previous code.

Teaching and Working Experience

In summer 2023, I worked as a software engineering intern at Belvedere Trading.

In Fall 2022 and Spring 2023, I worked as an undergraduate teaching assistant for the course Files and Databases (COMP 421), an upper-level elective course focused on teaching SQL and relational database concepts.

In fall 2021, I was an undergraduate teaching assistant for Systems Fundamentals (COMP 211), an intermediate course in the Department of Computer Science. The course focused on C programming, low-level system concepts, cache and memory management, and MIPS instructions. I assisted a cohort of 15 students through daily office hours and graded students' lab assignments.

In winter 2020-2021, I interned at Yunphant Blockchain, a company providing Blockchain as a Service solutions. I worked on chaincode editor, a tools that allows developers to write and test chaincode programs (the programs that runs on blockchain). I also ported the improved chaincode lifecycle to company's proprietary Yunphant Chain management system.

For all my projects, please visit my projects page.